When you’ve had extensive damage to your home’s plumbing systems, don’t try to take care of these repairs on your own. Let the plumbing technicians at Zona Restoration help! We are highly experienced in all types of home remodeling services including home plumbing repairs. While our skillset is not limited to the renovations listed below, our team can safely and effectively make your home like new again with these home plumbing improvements.1. Install Faucets and SinksHas a mold infestation been discovered around your kitchen or bathroom sink? In cases like these, many times the sink hardware needs to be completely removed in order to successfully remediate the mold problem. Once our team has removed the mold from your kitchen or bathroom, we can certainly install a new faucet or sink for you as well.2. Repair ShowersIf your bathroom pipes have sprung a leak and need to be fixed immediately, call … Continued