Follow These 6 Steps to Safely Mitigate Lead Found in Your Home (Part 1)
Finding lead in your Phoenix home may not be as uncommon as you think, especially if it was built in the 1970s or earlier. Lead-based paint was very popular for painting homes before it was banned in 1978. Left undisturbed, lead paint will not cause any harm to you or your family. If you do find lead paint that is chipped, cracked, or peeling off, that is definitely a cause for concern. At Zona Restoration, we recommend following these first three steps to safely mitigate any potential hazards caused by lead in your Chandler home. Our next blog post will cover the other three steps.1. Do Not DisturbThe first thing you need to do if you find lead-based paint in your home is to leave it alone. Try your best not to disturb it. If needed, place a sign on the wall or structure that contains the lead-based paint as … Continued