How Dangerous Is Popcorn Ceiling Asbestos?

October 17, 2022

 Asbestos has been a popular construction material in the United States up to the early 1990s. Indeed, asbestos is fire-resistant, which is why it was one of the preferred components for spray-on ceilings between 1945 and 1990. Experts estimate that asbestos is still present in approximately 30 million homes across the US. However, it is important to note that the presence of asbestos on your property does not necessarily present a health risk.  Zona Restoration helps you understand how to test whether your ceiling contains asbestos safely and how to get rid of it if there is a health concern.   What is popcorn ceiling?  Popcorn ceiling was a popular spray-on texture applied to many interior ceilings between the mid-1940s and early 1990s. It had many advantages from a building perspective.  The uneven popcorn texture made it easy to hide imperfections from sight. At a time of mass construction, building teams did not have … Continued

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What Types of Roof Damage Can a Restoration Contractor Repair?

August 17, 2021

When most of us think of roof damage, we think of torn or missing shingles, cracks or holes in the roof, broken gutters, and the like. If you happen to own an older home in the Mesa, AZ, area, it is probable that there could be other, more dangerous, materials lurking in your roof, such as mold, asbestos, or lead. In cases like this, you need a professional restoration company, like Zona Restoration, that has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to safely and effectively remove these hazardous elements from your Mesa home.

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The Importance of Asbestos Abatement and Removal

September 1, 2019

Asbestos has long been used in homes to help insulate and make them a bit more fire resistant, that being said, when breathed in, asbestos can cause a myriad of breathing issues and health concerns that can lead to serious illness and even death.Why is Asbestos Dangerous?Asbestos is a fire resistant silicate that is woven into very small fibers then used for insulation and in a range of fire proofing applications. When left alone, asbestos is harmless, when disturbed it can be inhaled and can cause a great deal of issue with those that breathe it in. Asbestos fibers are small and can cause aggravation to the lung tissues and lung lining. The aggravation of the lining of the lungs causes the tissue to scar which can lead to things like shortness of breath, crackling sound when inhaling, and even cardiac failure in very advanced cases.Asbestos has the potential to … Continued

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